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Riding Shotgun

After all this time in South America it’s easy to become a little complacent in your expectations and you take a lot things in your stride. For example yesterday I saw a man crouched next to to a very wide and busy road having a poo in broad daylight....

Emergency Numbers

Wallet Garden is a very simple and neat idea, which could come in very useful for travellers (and non-travellers alike). Create an account using an email address and password and it allows you to save the emergency numbers and web addresses for your bank. No important...

Is it Safe?

One thing that I have been asked a lot is whether or not Colombia is a safe place to be. For sure it does not have a good reputation for safety, and everyone has heard of FARC, Pablo Escobar and the fate of Ingrid Bettancur. So, it has a violent past, does that mean...