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One major disappointment about the Boca game on Sunday was that God wasn't there. Maradona came to prominence playing for them in the early 80s and then man is treated like a divine being. When he's there he has a reserved seat on the halfway line and the entire crowd sings a welcome to him. But he's off in Scotland being international manager so couldn't make it, which was a shame. He apparently turns up with about 40 of his family, nice and understated. Paula the lady who was leading the group we were in has this tatooed on her back:

The Dios obviously refers to the famous cheating incident for which he is somehow celebrated around the world (except for one country). I did however by and large keep my opinions on the subject to myself. I remember seeing the goal being scored, followed by the second goal, the greatest goal in the history of the World Cup apparently. I then stood on glass in my bare feet and sliced the back of ankle off. Now, that's memorable. Anyway, for those of you who need reminding, here's a picture of his finest moment..

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