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I’d been warned about Bariloche.


Having lived in Switzerland for the best part of 5 years, people told me that I wouldn’t find the scenery that special, and I wouldn’t be seeing anything I hadn’t seen before. The town is on Lago Nahuel Huapi which is about the same size as Lake Geneva, surrounded by mountains and ski resorts and has a Saint Bernard in the main square that you can have your photo taken with. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? The shops all sell mountain gear and chocolate (not usually at the same time to be fair). But somehow it didn’t real feel Swiss. It surely felt richer than the rest of Argentina, all very smart and chalet style houses, but still had the nice relaxed feel of the rest of the country.

And of course the scenery which is fantastic, but I won’t whitter on about that, here’s a couple of pics and the rest will go up soon..

Cerro Catedral