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Today is a special day in Argentina – you know it’s a special day because there is a street and a square in Buenos Aires named after today. Now the street (25 de Mayo) is a kind of crappy-nothing-special street, but the square is worth paying attention to. La Plaza de Mayo, on the other hand is at the centre of things.

Plaza de Mayo. Flickr photo by ikesken. Licenced under Creative Commons

Named after the May Revolutions of 1810 (the major one happening on 25th May) la Plaza de Mayo houses the Casa Rosada (the President’s offices), el Cabildo (the original Buenos Aires city hall), the cathedral and many other government buildings.

Casa Rosada. Flickr photo by longhorndave. Licenced under Creative Commons

So, today is Argentina’s 200th Birthday (it’s also Towel Day but let’s not dwell on that) and attention for the last 4 days of festivities has been focused on the Avenida 9 de Julio (which somewhat confusingly is Independence Day and didn’t happen for another 6 years after the revolution) where there have been nightly concerts and events to mark the occasion.